School Safety

​​Safe Schools Helpline 

The Emergency Management Division operates the 24/7 Safe Schools Helpline at 866-723-3982. The Safe Schools Helpline is a toll-free phone number that anyone can call to report information that may have a negative impact on students, staff, or property at any school in West Virginia. The Safe Schools Helpline will protect your identity. You may report bullying, violence, threats, weapons, drug or alcohol abuse, sexual harassment, and theft or vandalism.

Download the Safe Schools Brochure

​​​​Sch​​​​ool Crisis Prevention and Response Plan
The West Virginia Department of Education and Emergency Management Division developed a School Crisis Prevention and Response Plan Template containing the requirements for school-specific School Crisis Prevention and Response Plans. (WV Code §18-9F-9) 

School Administration's Contact Information for Safe Schools Helpline Calls

To update your school's contact information, please e-mail​

Other Important Numbers

West Virginia Emergency Management​ Division  

West Virginia State Police

Child and Adult Abuse Hotline

Hate Crimes Hotline

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Drug Abuse and Referral Hotline